sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

It's been a while since I last wrote. I need to be a little more on top of things, since Wednesday and Thursday have turned into a blur for me. That's alright though - I don't need to put down EVERY SINGLE THING that I have done here (**cough***people on facebook who post about every detail of their life**cough**). I'll just put down what I do remember from the past few days! On Wednesday, Camila and I met in la Plaza Mayor for "Tinto de Verano", which is basically Sangria, but carbonated. Then, we had a very LOOONG, detailed orientation on registering for classes. I found out that I won't have class from September 17th until the 24th, so I'm taking advantage of that to go to ITALY!!!! That night, we had pizza for dinner (it was so delicious and barbecue flavored...one had bacon and the other was barbacoa). On Thursday, I met up with the group at ISA for a tour of the new and old Cathedrals. The old Cathedral used to be a school (the oldest school for which Salamanca is famous for), and was built between the 12th and 15th century. The guide told us that each student had an oral exam at the end of their studies with all of the professors and that if the student passed, the whole city had a free festival for a week. If the student did not pass, however, they would leave through the back door (where the market was located), and that people would throw vegetables at them and then throw them into the river. YIKES! Good thing exams nowadays don't have that much pressure! The old cathedral only has three wings, instead of the four that Cathedrals typically have (to be in the shape of a cross) because the new cathedral was built as the "fourth wing". That day, the food I remember is spaghetti with chorizo! mmmmm! (I need to start writing down all of the meals so I don't forget...or maybe just be better about writing my blog) Thursday night, I tried to make my reservations for my Italy trip. Plane: success. Hotel: success. Bus from Madrid to Salamanca? Card denied. I tried to call the credit card company and it didn't work, so Friday after class, I went into the ISA office, where Maria dialed and it worked (guess I just don't have the magic touch). I have to wait until a week before my train reservation to book the train from Verona to Trento, but other than that I'm all ready to go!

....Anywhooz, grandma Katie FINALLY went out last night. The Salmantino festivals started Thursday, so last night, Brenda, Salvador and I went to see the firework show (which was great since I missed Fourth of July this year due to fire bans), the DJ Carl Jean concert ("Carl Jean's in the house" was repeated about 500 times. We get it, Carl Jean. Estas en la casa....please continue the concert), and then we went dancing!

One thing that is insane about the Spanish culture is that the kids stay out SO LATE! Last night at the concert (which started at 11 p.m.), there was a couple with two of their children there (I'd give the oldest one about 6 years and the youngest 2 or 3) and the parents were holding their kids, who were dancing to the music! Cutest thing ever! 

This morning, I was supposed to meet with my friend Camila and a Brazilian girl to practice speaking my Portuguese and eat some Churros con Chocolate at Valor, but I woke up at 1....didn't even hear my alarm go off at 10. Oh well, así es la vida. 

Hasta pronto,
Puerta de Zamora, right by my house

Tinto de Verano

Fireworks show

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