miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Principios de la vida escolar

The intensive language program has been a blast so far. There is hardly any homework (yesterday, I had to write a paragraph of a minimum of 100 words about my preconceptions about Spain and today I will need to write a minimum of 150 words about my opinion on the economic crisis). That being said, with classes from 9-1 and barely any extra work, there is a lot of time to explore the city! Yesterday, after lunch (chicken fajita meat and a vegetable purée, green plums for "dessert")* I went on a touristy adventure with Corinne and Megan (Megan will be working for the tourism office so she has to go learn about some sites around town) and we some some of the city's monuments, including the old University library, the new Cathedral, and Casa de Las Conchas. Unfortunately, we went at a bad hour, since a lot of things close down from about 2 until 5 or later for the siesta (not to mention that everything is still on summer hours, which are shorter than hours during the school year, when all of the Spaniards get back to the city). We found the frog on the façade, which barely even looks like a frog until you zoom in on it with your camera.. While we waited for the Saint Martin Parish to open, we went into our new favorite place - Valor - to have churros and chocolate (still delicious!). Dinner yesterday was lunch's leftovers, as well as tortilla (basically an omelet...no potatoes this time), a sauteed vegetable dish with cabbage, soy sauce, and some other veggies.). 

One thing that can't be skipped in my blog is a description of the professors (all female). They are incredibly animated, speak at a thousand miles a minute, rarely pause, move all around the classroom, use LOTS of hand gestures, and get distracted from the subject REALLY easily. One of the professors makes fun of the French all the time (she calls them "Gabachos de mierda"). 

Finally, this morning, I put "leche semi-desnatada", which translates to "without cream" and should be similar to skim milk in my coffee. Never again. 

Here are some more pictures!
First day of School! Living the life! (notice the awesome building in the background!)

Room in El Patio de Escuelas Mayores

Catedral Nueva

Catedral Nueva

Well, just had lunch. It was basically a Shake n' Bake pork chop with cheese inside (again, delicious) along with lentil soup and salad (avocado and tomatoes in vinegar). Aranza told me that the milk, which I had thought maybe was lactose free or something and that's why it tasted bad, actually was bad and that they are going to return it (oops). 

*Breakfast is typically the same here: Coffee, toast with jam, "cookies", or a muffin

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